Tuesday, September 8, 2009

water fall

wow!!!!!!! i never knew how cool water falling from the faucet could be. he loves it though and it keeps him happy and entertained for a little while.

Rock Band

ok first of all i love the look on kimbo's and britt's intense faces. they look like total rock stars. especially kimbo's blue tongue. shawn was our singer most the time and he named our band the bs ban. and dad was our groupie who always slept.

Birthday party #2

so i love his new sunglasses...he looks so cute in them. and look at the face of aww...oh wait he always has that face on or a big smile. he also loves playing with his grandpa and his new toys

Carson's second cake...yumm

carson didn't like this one as much as his first one. but britt decorated him another piece of cake so he could smach/play with it.

bows and flowers

This is the day before when we were searching for bridesmaid dresses but instead found huge bows and flower headbands. kimbo and britt modeled them and posed like manequins too.

more wedding

These are some more cute pictures of the wedding. i love the one of tiffany and the bridesmaids.

Jason and Tiffany's wedding in utah

first of all i love how most of these pictures are of carson or have carson in them and he isn't even my son. but i love the one of him cuddling with dad. so cute. poor boy. grandma wanted a picture of her twin nieces so she got one.